Friday, May 28, 2010

Cafe Site

The site was not hard to find (it's the view from my apartment). It's this nice big field which, as far as I can tell, no one ever uses for anything.

The field is surrounded by graduate residences. It seemed like an ideal location for my design. The cafe is intended to be penetrated by light from all directions, so this way it can be on display from 360 degrees. It's also surrounded by the residences of its target clientele.

During the day, the transparency of the cafe will make it unobtrusive, but it will advertise itself by way of augmenting the light that passes through it with the activity of the inside. At night, the cafe will be like a lantern illuminating this space.

People can eat inside, or sit in the grass around the building. Finally, an Escondido Village eatery that doesn't suck.

And here it is: the structure embedded in the site. Looks so natural, doesn't it?

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